Average age of entry into prostitution in America is
12 years old.
Every girl that I knew who worked in the massage parlor was molested as a child... every one!
Police, nurses, and doctors didn't see me as a child suffering in silence...
They missed the signs -
I needed someone to Protect me.
Jen Spry RN
I was Only 8 years old when I met my Trafficker... My Life was Changed Forever.
I am - Healed & Restored
Jen's Journal Entry ...
she journals daily about her journey to purpose
Perfect Love Restored Me
In my brokenness, I cried out to you
In Your brokenness, You Gave Your Life for me
In my brokenness, I trusted you
In Your brokenness, You Set me Free
In my brokenness, I received your healing
In Your Faithfulness, You Gave me Strength
In my Restoration, I kept my eyes on you
In Your Kingship, You Anointed me
In my Identity, I realized I have value
In Your Authority, You Gave Me Victory
In My Heart, I Found My Purpose
Copyright 2017
Between 3pm and 6pm is the time of the day for the highest amount of little children being abused and sexually assaulted.
Is there Human Trafficking in my area - Yes !!!!
Every neighborhood is at Risk... but mostly Schools and Playgrounds.
A ReLationShiP with JeSuS is what Got me Through A Childhood Filled with AbuSe.
It is JeSuS who has made me the person that I am today.
When I was suffering, I would cry to Him - I would Hear Him in My Heart Promise Me that HE had a Plan For My Life. He ToLd Me HE - HE Has a PLaN & a Purpose for Each of Us whO Know HIM. I TruSteD HIM & KePT HIM in mY HearT.
Later in LIfe - HE Showed me Where HE was during all of the abuse... HE was grieved By the wickedness... HE cried with mE and For ME... I knew HE Held My hand & HE ToLd mE ThaT HE Would Never Leave Me.
I knew Him at the age of 5 and Have Known His Voice all of My Life. His Promises are True & He is Faithful.
HE has Turned My Pain into Something BEauTiFuL.
My story is Setting the Captives Free. I am Peaceful, JoyfuL and in Awe of How God can turn ashes into Beauty & Sorrow into GLaDneSs.
HE has shOwed me that this ReLationShip is Really a LoVe StorY... i was LoveD when I found Him.
Represented Pennsylvania & Spoke on Capital Hill with SHared Hope International